Homeschool — What Has Mummy Learnt?

Moonface Mum
5 min readFeb 21, 2021


Coming Soon to Cinemas — How to Homeschool Your Dragon

I’ve only completed one half term of homeschooling because my little boy, who turned four last July, only started school in September. I was not prepared; possibly because I am naive or wasn’t paying attention, or possibly because the Government repeatedly told us schools would stay open. Anyway, here’s what I’ve learnt so far…

Always Have Alcohol In The Fridge

Yes — it is stressful and you lose your patience and you feel bad for shouting or not being better at this. Yes — you probably shouldn’t use a large glass of wine to chill out at the end of the day but my god, we’ve earnt it. We can address our drinking habits later, ok?

Teachers Are Heroes

I always knew teachers were awesome and had massive respect for them, but this experience has highlighted how simply wonderful teachers are. When I heard the schools were closing, at the 8pm announcement, I had no idea what I was going to do the next morning. I felt completely lost. Frank’s school took that day to prepare, and since then every school day we’ve had three video lessons, each with a carefully picked activity, a video story time, weekly class video assemblies, additional learning resources if needed, and they even managed to post about mental health and physical well-being. I am in awe. This has also been delivered whilst simultaneously teaching in person all the children of key workers and the most vulnerable kids. Frank’s teacher comments on every single piece of work we submit, sometimes I can see that she’s looked at his work well into the evening, way beyond normal working hours. The video lessons are upbeat and well thought out. I can’t put into words how grateful I am, or what a fantastic job they’ve done.

Its OK To Think Schools Should Close And Also Despair When They Do

Of course I was pretty devastated that Frank would miss school, not least because I seriously doubt my abilities as a “teacher”. But I also felt it was the right thing to do. Those two feelings are not mutually exclusive; the priority has to be the welfare of the community, the school staff, and the children. I wish the decision had been made earlier; sending them back in for one day only to keep them home seems so confusing and almost cruel.

There Will Be Good Moments

Sometimes Frank will try his best, or something he couldn’t grasp before suddenly clicks, and its like the sun has come out for a moment. Its so wonderful to see a spark, or hear him say “I did it!”. When this happens you have to enjoy that moment, because so much of it will feel like you’re swimming upstream. But if you think back to that moment it will get you through the times where you want to scream into a cushion. They ARE learning. Its not ideal but look how far they’ve come. Perhaps even this experience will help you be a better parent, albeit one with a borderline drinking problem.

This Too Shall Pass

One day we’ll look back at this time with the kids at home and think it was wonderful. Well, maybe not — but it is extra time with them that we might remember fondly one day, or laugh about. We’ll probably forget hiding in the toilet to cry and think back on the kids wearing fancy dress for phonics lessons, or when we laughed about the google classroom freezing while the teacher made a funny face. There is an end in sight. This isn’t forever.

If In Doubt — Take A Break

How many snacks do Reception kids have a day? Because Frank claims its five. Five snacks a day. I don’t think that is true — but it probably is accurate for homeschool. I personally can’t follow the routine of a school day because I have a toddler to take care of too, and crucially — this isn’t school. Its home. So of course the day doesn’t run the same. More snacks, way more screen time during breaks. I have found that if things are really tough, if you feel like you can’t do it anymore and you find yourself shouting — stop. Down the pencils, tuck the laptop away, and go for a walk. My mood, my whole day, seems to lift if we can just run about in the woods for a bit, or splash in a few puddles. Take that time to reset and regroup. If your break is a cuppa whilst the kids stare at a screen, that’s fine too. Especially with younger kids, little and often seems to work better. We can’t do any good if we are on the edge; so take a break.

Its OK If The School Work Is Challenging…For The Adults

I can totally imagine that parents of older kids might get a bit stuck on long division, or have to google some historical facts. But my kid is in reception, I really shouldn’t be confused by his work! Its a bit worrying to be honest. But it is hard to get your head around phonics (and I have a degree in English Literature!) Frank’s school want him to spell everything phonetically for now and its quite hard not to correct him when his spelling is just plain wrong. There’s been a lot of changes since we were at school; its OK to feel a bit out of your depth or confused. Even if the work is targeted at four and five year olds…

Remember There’s Wine

Before too long the kids will be asleep and you can breathe, and inhale a lot of wine.

As half term finishes and I look ahead at the prospect for another two weeks of homeschooling (minimum) I feel a small sense of dread, but also I’m so much more confident than I was at the beginning of the term. I’ve learnt a bit about how my kid likes to learn, I’ve learnt a lot about early year curriculum, and I’ve seen more of his teachers (via video) than I have all year. I feel lucky I have the resources needed to do this (decent WiFi, laptop, printer) and I know he can learn at home. We can do this.



Moonface Mum
Moonface Mum

Written by Moonface Mum

British Mum of two, ex bar manager, and big fan of gin.

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